In my post today instead of finding some kind of July 4th idea to write about that has to do with stocks or money I’m just going to talk about the day. Our independence day.

I feel like July 4th is an extra special day for me. I’m sure many Americans feel special on this day too. For me, as a Naturalized US citizen, It feels like one of the most important days of the year.

I’m so proud to be able to call myself an American. I grew up in different parts of the world and got to see and live in many parts of the world. When I was young though I was always excited when our family had a vacation trip to the US.

Our trip would sometimes include a theme park like Disney or Universal, and it would also include some new movies in the theater that weren’t available to me back home. Also, one of my favorite things was to get the new game systems and games that came out. Where I was we didn’t get them the same time the US did.

It was a magical place when I was young, but then as I got older and started to understand different things more I started to realize how special the US really is. There’s so much freedom in the country that we sometimes take it for granted.

It can be easy to complain about things every now and then, but when I take a look around I really don’t have much to complain about. I’m free to write this blog post and post it if I want to. I can trade stocks if I want to. I can go to Vegas and play some poker if I want. The point is we have lots of choices and freedom to choose.

There might be some stupid rules or laws that we don’t agree with, but the beauty of it is that we can work together to fix them. We, the people, can come together and make America a better place for everyone that lives in it. Now, It might not be easy to do, but it can be done.

Anyway, I hope you have a great 4th of July without worrying about stocking your money today. Just be sure you have enough food and beer stocked away for the party. Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July Stock My Money

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