Having a good credit score can save you tons of money. At some point in your life you’re going to need to borrow some money so you can pay for something like a house or a car. When that happens,
For a better credit score you just need to ask
When you need your credit score to shine it might not be as high as you’d like it to be when you’re applying for that mortgage loan. However, you can take steps ahead to raise your credit score higher, and
What you need to do for a higher credit score (or fix the damage and build it higher)
Hopefully you’ve been paying attention and you care about your credit. But how do you get the all important credit score higher so when you need to get that mortgage for the new house you get a good rate? What
What should I do if I’m a victim of identity theft?
As technology gets better and our lives becomes more easily accessible with smartphones and computers (and who knows what else) so too does it become more accessible to identity thieves. Being a victim of identity theft is no fun, trust
Should I close my credit card account? How do I do it?
If you don’t know it yet you should know that have credit cards can be good for your credit score if you are responsible with them. However, maybe you have too many of them to keep up with or maybe
Why I love credit cards. Do you have one?
If you want to be financially responsible then there really isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t have a credit card. Credit cards can help you in so many ways and if you don’t have one then why not? Is it