Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you spending everything you make each month? What are you spending it on? Whatever is going on there has to be a way to fix it. Let’s try to figure it out.

For some people the answer is easy. You’re just spending way too much money. You’re not living below your means. Living below your means isn’t just a saying you hear, rather it’s something you should strive to live by.

If you’re having a hard time saving and paying your bills, but you’re going out to eat everyday for lunch then I don’t feel bad for you. You’re being stupid. Why the hell are you wasting your money eating out for lunch when you can get it cheaper from the grocery store? That’s just lazy and dumb.

If you’re having trouble paying the bills, but you drive a Beamer or a Lexus then you’re a fool. Why are you driving around in a luxury car if you can’t pay the bills? Get a damn Camry or something cheap and used. Wait your turn before spending all your money on a car. It’s just ridiculous.

I see it all the time. Sometimes it’s the complaining about not being able to go on the trips they want. Or they complain about how their friends are making more than they are. Or they complain that they have to spend so much on diapers that they can’t pay for their morning Latte’s anymore.

Quit it with all the complaining! I swear sometimes I just want to slap these people and tell them to shut the hell up. It’s best to keep these thoughts to myself though. You, however, have come here to my blog to read them so you’ve sought this out.

Quit being dumb

Yes quit being dumb. Whatever situation you’re in you need to always try to look for the bright side. Think positive and be positive about everything. Sometimes that’s hard, I get it. I’ve had those troubles too. But I find that it’s always best to remain positive even when things are at their worst.

If you’re having trouble paying the bills then take a good hard look at everything you’re doing. What type of car are you driving? What bills do you have? Do you pay for cable? Where do you live? How much is your rent?

These and so many more questions are important for you to answer. You need to figure out a solution. Do you drive an expensive car? Then get rid of it and start riding with friends instead. Do you live somewhere that has high rent? Then move somewhere else or get some roommates.

There’s almost always some type of solution to your problem. You just might not like what the solution might be. It might be that you’re going to have to move in with your parents until you get your finances back in order. If that’s the case then suck it up and do it.

I know what I’m saying is probably a little harsh, but sometimes hearing it the way it really is makes the most sense. Most of the time all your money problems are solvable. You just need to be open to all the options that are available to you.

You need to stop buying those cigarettes, that alcohol, that weed, those new shoes, that new dress, that whatever it is that you just don’t need to spend money on. Just live below your means and you’ll quit living paycheck to paycheck. It’s so simple it’s ridiculous.

Quit living paycheck to paycheck, please

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